Alashkert Stadium

 ¿Qué ver en Alashkert stadium, Ereván?

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The Alashkert Stadium is located in the city of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia in Asia. The stadium is home to the Alashkert Football Club and has a capacity of around 6,850 spectators. The stadium has hosted several international matches and is a popular venue for football fans in Armenia.

The official website of the Alashkert Football Club is available at However, I could not find information on ticket prices or match schedules on their website. It is recommended to contact the club directly for this information.

In the surrounding areas of the stadium, there are several attractions to see. The Matenadaran Museum of Ancient Manuscripts is a must-visit destination for history lovers. The museum displays a vast collection of ancient manuscripts, including some of the oldest books in the world. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm.

Another popular attraction near the Alashkert Stadium is the Republic Square. The square is the heart of Yerevan and is surrounded by several important buildings, including the National Gallery of Armenia and the History Museum of Armenia. The square is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike and is a great place to relax and people-watch.

Overall, the Alashkert Stadium is a great destination for football fans visiting Yerevan. Additionally, the surrounding areas offer several attractions that are worth exploring.

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